Turn Your Passion to Profit – Part 5

Define Your Goals

Defining clear goals will help you know what steps you need to take in order to turn your hustle into a reality. Consider laying out a set of goals that sequentially follow one another. For example, if you are going to sell products on a platform, your first goal may be to create an account on that platform. Your second goal may be to research the products that sell best on that platform, and so on.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

When setting your goals, ensure that they are realistic. Your goal is to get traction, not reach your end goal right off the bat. Each goal should be realistic and achievable. If your goals aren’t realistic, you’ll again find yourself getting discouraged when you don’t meet those goals.

So, what are some small goals you can set that will give you traction on your hustle? These small goals should all contribute to your big, overall goal.

Do you need to…

  • Research your market?
  • Research the desires of your ideal customer?
  • Create a website?
  • Send out an email to your list, letting them know about your offer?


This is Part 5 of the 12 Part series –Turn Your Passion to Profit.

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